D.I.Y: Patio Conversion
A full conversion from a neglected corner garden to enclosed all-weather living space.
A full conversion from a neglected corner garden to enclosed all-weather living space.
All the flavours of a traditional kedgeree with the soothing warmth of a risotto
For those with the budget, photography is a brilliant way to get out and meet those with similar interests.
Join a photography group that does out-and-abouts. You'll learn basic techniques and get fit while doing so.
Who knows, maybe you develop a real knack for it and find your calling?
This is a challenging one, but extremely rewarding when achieved.
Many cities offer various levels of woodworking classes and courses. Even clubs with monthly memberships.
All you need is a project! Start with something basic, by basic I mean something with four sides and basic joints.
Do it yourself? Yeah right! Actually it's easier than you think...
To start, you'll need the basics: A flat screwdriver, a philips head screwdriver, pliers, a hammer, a putty knife, and some good paintbrushes and trays
Most quick jobs, like filling holes and painting, are easy to approach with no risk to you or those around you.
Cooking and baking can be a rewarding experience regardless of your experience level.
Cooking is intuition, baking is science. Remember this as you splash and crash around the kitchen.
If you're no good with flavours, then baking is probably better as it follows strict rules.
A brief summary of Jaipur including some custom designed 3D models for box inserts
There's nothing better than a good boardgame with a group of friends.
If you're one group of friends short, then try starting a local boardgame group in your area.
There are some amazing boardgames suited for 2 to 8 players, sometimes even more. These aren't the games your parents used to play either. Throw out the "Monopoly" and "30 Seconds".
Check out boardgamegeek.com for the top ranked boardgames in the world.
Nothing beats some raw creative output. The problem is the fingers don't always do what the brain wants them to do.
Pick up a pencil, grab some paper, and start making waves! No seriously, start drawing waves, layer by layer. This will strengthen the muscles in the hand and improve dexterity.
Once your hand aches, put the pencil down and try again the next day.
More content will be released as time permits.